Who Do I Write For?

Jada Monique
4 min readAug 21, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I recently came across a Write Here post by the Creators Hub publication with the question: who do you write for?

This got me thinking about my audience and who my blogs are written for. After thinking for a bit, I realized there's no single answer. When I wrote my first Medium article, I wrote it as mainly a question into the void to see if other women software engineers felt like I did in the workplace. The success of this post prompted me to keep writing about my experiences as a black woman software engineer and allowed me to share those stories.

But I realized I had other stories to tell as well. One of my first non-tech-related posts was about how I felt isolated being the only person in a serious relationship in many of my friend groups (a situation that has long since changed). I also continued writing about lessons I was learning as I started my journey into adulthood and I even felt compelled to write about my experiences as a black person during the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 when I felt like some of my friends weren't being supportive.

So the answer to the question "who I write for" isn't a single answer. But here are who I believe are the main ones.

Women In Tech

My first medium post was about how being a woman in tech; I felt like I couldn't dress as casual as some of the men…



Jada Monique

Software Engineer | Creator | Blogger — A girl with a side of nerd trying to navigate the real world and the tech world.